An older gentlemen who live near here, takes his wife “to town” for cancer treatment on Wednesdays and then drives her home. By they time they get back, she’s tired and needs a nap. To avoid disturbing her, he gets his book of crossword puzzles, climbs in his truck and drives out here to Willow Bay where he sits near the boat launch, works his puzzles and enjoys the view.
A dentist from Bradford — he died earlier this season but I met him a couple of times and saw him more than that — mounted his motorcycle as many times a week as possible, his fishing tackle broken down and stowed in a case strapped to the bike, and rode out here to spend even a little bit of the afternoon. When he wasn’t in the mood to fish, I’m told he’d walk out and lay spread-eagled on the dock, enjoying what the lake and the breeze had to offer.
A certified registered nurse anesthetist lives between the lake and town. When his schedule allows, he drives out an parks near the dock to spend even just a few minutes watching the sun set over what he calls “my piece of paradise.”
Two fellows in their 70s or better, used to meet after work for a beer. But, then their long-time friend sold the bar. It wasn’t the same. Determined not to let their afternoon bull sessions slip away, they realized there’s probably no better place than beside the water at Willow Bay.
A delightful couple from Bradford, almost 60 years married, has a “camp” (in Texas we’d call it a weekend place) a few miles east of here. They sold their boat a few years ago, but almost every day, certainly when the weather is decent, they drive out and spend 20 or 30 minutes just looking at the lake.
This is why they come.
I can see why.
Gorgeous. This is why I should visit, lol
If you don’t hurry up, the leaves will be changing… you don’t want to be here for fall colors.
Such a beautiful sky.
I love your writing! The viewpoints of your surroundings and the people who occupy those spots are encouraging me to enjoy my peaceful spot and the relationships I have on a cove that has miraculously not dried completely up.