BIll and Barb are regulars here, driving up from Blairsville, PA for a 3-day weekend as often as possible.
Knowing this is the last weekend of my season, they piled in their truck yesterday and drove more than an hour — each direction — to Oakmont Bakery near Pittsburgh. (Oakmont Country Club nearby, incidentally, has hosted the U.S. Open nine times.) There, they loaded up with going away snacks for me… a see-you-next-summer gift — and delivered them today.
A raspberry cake, a pumpkin cake, a chocolate (with peanut butter) cake and a pumpkin gob. A gob is essentially a whoopie pie, in this case pumpkin cake with cream cheese.
My season here is all-but wrapped up. It’s a great way and a terrific place to spend a summer. See you next year, Bill and Barb.
Next up, Caddo Lake State Park.
Looking forward to seeing you and hearing your stories! Have a safe trip!