After I graduated Jacksonville High School at the tail end of the ’60s, I enrolled at Lon Morris College, a small Methodist junior college across town. Among my LMC classmates was an attractive girl named Tiffin Puckett.
There were several fetching young ladies at Lon Morris, including one I later married, so it wasn’t her general attractiveness that set her apart from others. It was her eyes. Each was a combination of blue and brown. Blue with brown. Imagine Puget Sound as the dominant blue and the San Juan Islands as the brown. Eyes of bright blue with islands of milk chocolate brown.
One of the loveliest birds here in western Pennsylvania is the Eastern Bluebird. The male is predominately a striking blue with a milk-chocolate brown breast. When a bluebird speeds past me here in a flash of blue and brown, I’m reminded of Tiffin and wonder “whatever happened to Tiffin?”
I couldn’t resist looking up that name.
Tiffin – chiefly British : a light midday meal
Etymology. In the British Raj, tiffin was used to denote the British custom of afternoon tea that had been supplanted by the Indian practice of having a light meal at that hour. [4] It is derived from “tiffing”, an English colloquial term meaning to take a little drink.
Just in case you are really curious:
Google her!
Google her! There’s a tiffin pucket on fb who comes from Houston and lives in Salem! 🙃
“Tiffin” reminds me .., the most British name is ever heard was attached to a young woman who was briefly an unhappy employee. Barely remember her but the name still rings : Pippa Smedley. True story.
You really knew someone named Pippa Smedley?