This afternoon I took Millie out to let her run off some energy in the camping area that backs up to Willow Creek.
It’s hard for me to walk here without hurting myself… I find myself looking up at the little mountains that surround this bowl in which Millie and I live. As a result, Magoo-like, I’m forever tripping over tree roots or stones deposited here in the slow, erosional aftermath of the Appalachian orogeny.
Today, I was rewarded for my sky-ward focus. A bald eagle drifted overhead, riding the currents, looking for dinner during the early buffet hour.
Ben Franklin, as you know, argued the turkey should be the national bird. I, most of you, and the Philadelphia Eagles are happy Ben was overruled.

Looks like a good place to fall 🥺.
Do you have on your “life alert?!”
Be careful!
And Hawks. I love seeing a red tailed Hawk. Ok here is a suggestion that helps me on that kind of terrain. A hiking stick. That way if I trip I have that third “leg” to help me stay upright and I don’t miss the eagles. Just a suggestion. Otherwise you end up looking down all of the time. Get a cool one at REI so you don’t look like an old coot!
What a beautiful creek!