Lance and Cathy Mangus first started hanging out together when they were sophomores in high school. Lance is 78 — I didn’t ask Cathy, but I’d guess she’s about the same age — so they were high school sophomores quite some time ago.
Lance and Cathy have been married 58 years and, like so many Bradfordians, they’re impressed by the sunsets over “their” Allegheny Reservoir. They live just a few miles down the road back toward town; twenty or so minutes of reveling in “their” sunset is worth a few minutes of drive time to and fro.
We’ve chatted a bit when they stop by the booth at the gate and I happen to be there. I know about Lance’s knees; I’ve learned that Cathy swims at the Y and Lance hasn’t been swimming in maybe 40 years (though he used to be a good swimmer); and I know that while Cathy tends to her perfectly-set white/blond curls every day, Lance handles the coloring when it’s necessary.
And I know they subscribe to the local newspaper, The Bradford Era.
I know that because they regularly bring me yesterday’s newspaper.
Just as I’ve learned a bit about Lance and Cathy, they’ve learned enough about me to know I used to be involved in the newspaper business and that I like reading a newspaper. One day they brought me yesterday’s paper. I was appreciative and that was that. When they miss an afternoon at the lake, on their next trip they bring me yesterday’s and the day before’s.
Thanks to Lance and Cathy, I’m attuned to the successes and failures of the summer soccer teams, to the vagaries of Pennsylvania statehouse activities, to the fund-raising efforts of local charities, to the string of recent housefires (arson!), to planning sessions for the national forest…
Lance and Cathy, my friends because after more than five decades they still like to sit together and watch the sun set over the water.
I’m blessed that Vivian has somehow tolerated me for 35 years. Hopefully God will grant her enough grace to put up with me another 23.
58 years! Wow, that’s amazing!
You are blessed, indeed.
Love the stories of king marries couples. I think that is a hard won gift.
Is it still a daily?
6 days. Sat/Sun publishes Saturday as “Weekend.”