I sorta thought our visitor count Easter weekend was impressive. Unh-uh.
For this weekend, all 105 of our campsites and cabins were reserved well in advance. The owner of Allegheny Site Management, the company by which I’m employed, estimated today’s crowd at close to 1000. Campsites, virtually all with multiple campers, plus families who came out to go boating on Allegheny Reservoir, picnicking families, neighborhood reunions and the usual 5:30 a.m. fisherpeople made for quite a crowd. But we got them all in and appropriately lodged in their pre-paid places.
The excitement — though there’s a surprising amount of accompanying ho-hum from these folks — was the bear wandering around cabins 42 and 43 last night. Happily, all the food was secured, the bear barriers at the dumpster were in place and nobody… absolutely nobody… screamed.
Tomorrow’s newcomers should be mostly limited to day use visitors, a relief to which I look forward.
Do you feel like the local Constable?
Maybe a bit.